Prostate Cancer Specialists in Orange County & Anaheim
Comprehensive & Compassionate Care
Prostate brachytherapy has been used in the United States for over a decade and is currently the most emergent treatment for prostate cancer. The procedure by which radioactive seeds, iodine (I-125) or palladium (Pd-103), are implanted in the prostate is minor. Postoperative patients usually are able to return to their daily livelihood within a few days. Our prostate cancer specialists have helped many patients tackle challenges regarding prostate cancer in Orange County, CA, Anaheim, CA, and beyond. Let us help provide you with the support and guidance that you need, to make the best decision for your future. Contact us today to learn more about our services and about what we can do to help you.
Over the last few decades, research has indicated that brachytherapy treatment like prostate seeds are just as effective, if not more so, than prostate removal. Contact us today for further information, or to schedule an appointment with a prostate cancer specialist.
What Are Prostate Cancer Radioactive Seed Implants?
Much like three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), a treatment often done in combination with prostate seed implants, the objective of this procedure is to target harmful cells and preserve healthy tissue. The radiotherapy from the seeds destroys cancer cells by means of DNA damage. When sufficient DNA damage has transpired, the cancer cells will die due to their inability to continue growing. Those cells not initially killed, divide in an effort to create two more viable cancer cells, which are usually later destroyed by the radiation. Healthy tissues are typically restored after DNA damage.
Even though the seed implants in the prostate are radioactive, they are extremely low energy. The slight quantities of radiation released from the prostate, generally are not deemed a health threat to others. Nonetheless, it is recommended that the patient, for the first two months of treatment, limit contact with children and pregnant women. An I-125 seed has a half-life of sixty days and continues to emit radioactive energy for up to 12 months following. In contrast, a Pd-103 seed has a half-life of only seventeen days and is inactive after three months. There is no need to extract the exhausted seeds, as they are not harmful to the body.
Currently, not all prostate cancer patients are eligible for this treatment; however, it is estimated that within the next few years, over fifty percent of all males with this type of cancer will undergo the seed implant procedure.
How Our Prostate Cancer Team in Anaheim & Orange County Can Assist You
Our prostate cancer specialists have been helping individuals suffering from prostate cancer for over 37 years. We are considered top-notch in the industry and take pride in using state-of-the-art technology and equipment. We can help you make the best decision regarding treatment for your prostate cancer and will go above and beyond to ensure that you have all of the guidance and support that you need during this time.
Some of the benefits of a prostate cancer radioactive seed implant procedure include the following:
- Although the seeds implanted in the prostate are radioactive, they are extremely low energy and are not considered a health threat.
- Healthy tissues are typically restored after DNA damage.
- The exhausted seeds are not harmful to the human body, and will therefore not need to be extracted.
- You will typically be able to return to your everyday life within a few days following the procedure.
To learn more about the advantages of prostate seeds and about what we can do to help your prostate cancer, contact our Beverly Oncology & Imaging today.
To learn if you are eligible for this treatment, contact Beverly Oncology & Imaging today. We've been treating cancer patients with the latest and greatest technology for more than 37 years.
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