Beverly Oncology & Imaging FAQs
Answers from Our Oncologists
Listed below are questions that Beverly Oncology & Imaging patients frequently have asked our doctors and our clinical staff. Beverly Oncology & Imaging strives to provide their patients with information regarding treatment and technology. With a greater understanding of treatment procedures, our patients enjoy reduced stress as they undergo therapy. To find more information on any of the topics below, explore our site, go to our resources section for more links to cancer information and contact us with your questions, so that we may better serve your needs. Every employee at Beverly Oncology & Imaging is a patient advocate and we will be happy to speak with you to schedule your consultation. Learn more about our Oncology Services.
Does receiving radiation treatment hurt?No. Radiation itself is painless.
Will my whole body receive radiation?No, only the part affected by the tumor or the part at significant risk for re-growth of tumor.
Does radiation treatment involve injections?There are a few different delivery methods for radiation therapy, and only some of them involve injections. The three main delivery methods are external beam, brachytherapy, and systemic radiation. Of the three, only systemic radiation involves receiving injections or swallowing pills.
Will I be contagious?No. However, if radiation is taken internally, you may be radioactive yourself for a short period of time.
How long is each treatment session?Each treatment session only takes about 15 minutes.
How many treatments do I need?This varies from case to case, but typically, you will need treatments on a daily basis for two to eight weeks.
Am I going to be cured?
This depends on how advanced your cancer is (what stage it is in) and what type of cancer you have. For more information about the condition you're facing and expected outcomes, you should speak with your doctor. -
How can I aid in the success of my own treatment?You can aid the success of your treatment by keeping your appointments, doing light exercise, eating properly, and refraining from smoking or imbibing alcoholic beverages.
Why or how did I get cancer?Typically, there is no way to prove why or how an individual developed cancer. However, researchers have determined a variety of risk factors that are suspected to lead to the development of cancer. These include: Smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, poor diet (low in vegetables), obesity or lack of exercise, sunlight, cancer-causing substances, and potentially genetics.
How will I know my treatment is helping fight my cancer?Follow-up physical examinations, blood tests, and imaging studies all help assess where you are at in your treatment progress.
How can I prevent cancer?
For certain types of cancer, removing at-risk areas, such as the breasts, is a potential preventative measure. In most cases, we look for ways to reduce the risks of developing cancer.
The following age-appropriate cancer screenings are highly recommended:
For more on cancer screenings and prevention please visit our resources page and follow our link to the American Cancer Society.
Mammogram: Receive a baseline mammogram between age 30-35, then yearly at age 40 and abovePap smear: Receive yearly after starting sexual intercourse
PSA: Receive every one to two years after age 40 depending on risk factors
Colonoscopy: Receive at age 40, then every two to five years depending on risk factors
What insurances do you accept?
We accept almost all insurances. Please contact us to verify that we accept your insurance.
Can I continue with medications that I am currently taking during my treatment?Many patients are able to continue to take other medications. However, you will discuss your particular situation with your doctor, and he or she will make the decision that is best for your health.
Will I be taking any medication with the treatment?Sometimes we will recommend medications depending on symptoms or side effects of radiation.
Who do I call to get a refill for my prescription?The Doctor who prescribed your medication will refill your prescriptions.
Can I become addicted to the pain medication?It is highly unlikely that you will become addicted if you only take the pain medications for real pain. Older persons are less susceptible to addiction.
Will my pain stop after radiation treatments?For some patients, pain is eliminated completely. For others, it is substantially decreased. It is helpful to know that there is only a small failure rate for the treatments we provide.
What happens if pain medication does not relieve my pain?Typically, if your pain medication does not relieve your pain, we will increase the dose. However, your doctor will investigate your situation further.
How many years of experience do the doctors at Beverly Oncology & Imaging have?Most of our doctors have more than 25 years experience. Learn more about Beverly Oncology & Imaging's doctors on the page "Our Team."
How often will I see the Doctor?Typically, you will be seen by the doctor once a week.
Do employees trust the Doctor to take care of themselves and their family?Several of Beverly Oncology & Imaging's employees have had their own parents and other family members treated for cancer here.

Why Choose Beverly Oncology & Imaging?
We Offer Unparalleled Experience and Service
With over 37 years of experience, our doctors are recognized as experts in the field.
We utilize the latest and greatest in medical technology and are involved in clinical trials.
As a free-standing facility, we offer convenience and access unmatched by any major hospital.